On My Nightstand January 19, 2025
/Sunrise a few days ago
I need to get organized this week. I have sticky notes everywhere with lists of things I need to do or remember that need to be transferred to my calendar. I need to see what I committed to and figure out if I can actually get it done. I also have a stack of ARCs to read and review. There’s a lot going on in the world now and these are things I can control, you know?
Is anyone an Everand user? This new plan they have is driving me nuts. I don’t want to switch to their new system, but I also don’t like how titles are suddenly unavailable without notice. I might cancel my subscription and get more credits from libro.fm instead.
Quote of the Week:
“There were bookshelves in every room, so that a volume would be close at hand as soon as one thought of it, and children were free to read the adults’ books.”
What I’m Reading This Week:
Kindle: The Girl Without Skin by Mads Peter Nordbo - For a book club. I started yesterday between games at my daughter’s tournament and it’s a surprisingly good read for this particular book club!
Audiobook: The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner - I gave up on a few books the other day before I settled in on this book about what makes happy countries happy.
Paper: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen - Another project for a different book club. We’re re-reading Jane Austen’s books and some adaptations. I’m looking forward to reading this at my table at night with some tea and cookies.
tournament reading
This post is linked to The Sunday Post on Caffeinated Reviewer.
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