On My Nightstand January 11, 2025

Wouldn’t it be nice to be a cat napping in the sun without a care in the world these days?

We had snow all week plus President Carter’s funeral. My office (not too far from the National Cathedral) decided we would work from home another week. This Massachusetts girl got to test out her snow driving chops a few times here in Virginia and it turns out I’ve still got it. I’m not as good at shoveling snow as I used to be though. I think I pinched a nerve in my neck or something. Don’t get old if you can help it.

Quote of the Week:

Patience! Have patience, my son,” his mother had exhorted. “Remember Job.” “Job!” scoffed the boy. “What did he know about patience? He didn’t have to wear no leather breeches.
— Lark Rise to Candleford by Flora Thompson

What I’m Reading This Week:

Kindle: The Haunted Bridge by Carolyn Keene - Starting this for a buddy read. Reading through this series you can tell some ghost writers were better than others.

Audiobook: The Safekeep by Yael van der Wouden - Another one from The Tournament of Books. Loving this one so far.

Paper: Becoming a Matriarch by Helen Knott - I’ve been reading this a little bit each night before bed, but I love it so at a certain point I will just finish all at once.

This post is linked to The Sunday Post on Caffeinated Reviewer.

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Growing up in the 90’s we were told fat was a villain, but of course we know now that it’s actually essential to human survival. In Salt Fat Acid Heat by Samin Nosrat we’re given the good advice to not add fat to your cooking, but to make better use of what you do have.

I had two good takeaways from this chapter:

  1. Pair your fats from the region you’re cooking from

  2. All good texture comes from fat

I haven’t decided yet what I want to cook inspired by this chapter, but now that Lent is over there’s a good chance it might be pie crust.

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