Since I spend so much time in the car during the summer I listen to a lot of audiobooks. Many of these will come from my city’s library, but I also have a few audiobook subscriptions. If you haven’t signed up yet here are some deals.
Scribd - 60 days free. If you haven’t heard of Scribd they are like the Netflix of audio and e books. I’m pretty sure they lose money on my subscription because I listen to a ton of books from here! - Free audiobook when you sign up plus a portion of your purchases goes to an independent bookstore of your choice. Pretty cool! - doesn’t seem to be running any deals right now, but they have free titles that come with membership and some original titles (Audible Originals.)
Here’s what I plan on listening to this summer:
In The Company of Men by Veronique Tadjo - At some point in the middle of the night a few weeks ago I developed a fascination with the Ebola virus. I don’t know why, but it will show up a few times in my summer reading lists.
The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley - Lucy Foley’s books are perfect for long days in the sun, and I am really excited Scribd has this.
Varnia by Charles Frazier - I bought this book when it first came out, and bailed halfway through. I want to give it another try this summer.
The Persian Pickle Club by Sandra Dallas - 1930’s quilting circle in Kansas. I’m sure there’s more to the story than that! This was recommended by a friend, and Scribd had it so why not?
Our Harlem by Marcus Samuelsson - I really loved Yes, Chef when I read it a few years ago so I’m looking forward to this Audible Original.
Fourteen Talks by Age Fourteen by Michelle Icard - My oldest starts high school this fall :|
Walking The Americas by Lev Wood - Walking The Nile surprised me by how much I liked it, so now I’m working my way through his other books. This is the only one Scribd had so this is where I’m starting this summer.
Crossing To Safety by Wallace Stegner - This is one of my very favorite books ever, and I am in the mood to re-read it this summer. To me this is the best book I’ve ever read about adult friendships.
Whatever You Do Don’t Run by Peter Allison - This is a soft read for my goal to read a book that takes place in each country in Africa this year. I needed something lighter for summer reading.
I would love to hear about any audiobooks you recommend in the comments!