Lunch and a Book Week 3

This week’s lunch was a kind of throw together minestrone soup. I simmered carrots, potatoes, chickpeas, and kale in a couple of cans of diced tomatoes and some veggie broth. About 45 minutes before we ate I threw in some pasta shells to thicken it up. We had this for Sunday dinner with rolls, and then I ate it for lunch all week with crackers. Winter isn’t over yet so it was nice to have a hot lunch this week!

Lunch and a Book Week 1

With grocery prices rising by the hour (or so it seems) I wanted to start sharing some of my lunch meal prep practices. Having lunch made for the week saves me time and money, and keeps me from eating chips or poptarts instead of a meal. Sometimes this will look like recipes from one of my many cookbooks and sometimes this will look like a bunch of stuff I threw together.

This week was definitely a throw together week. I love salads for lunch, so I make those a lot. They keep well for the week in a closed container, but I don’t add cheese, dressing, or croutons until the last minute.

This week’s salad was mixed greens, leftover roasted asparagus, chopped apple, about a cup of leftover pasta shells, goat cheese, vinaigrette from Aldi, and some of the microgreens I grow in my kitchen. I got a package of seeds from the dollar store and they are growing well!

The bonus to having my lunch already made is I get to spend my whole break reading and walking instead of scrounging for food!