Walking Wednesday January 29,2025

It’s a hard time of year to get outside during the day. Add to that the sub freezing weather, and walking has not been great. I wonder if there’s a way to listen to audiobooks while swimming indoors.

I started listening to The Beastie Boys Book. It’s fun!

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Walking Wednesday January 8, 2025

Whew, it’s definitely winter walking weather out there. With no holiday decorations to look at I’ve been changing my routes so that I can find new things. Pretty soon I’ll be seeing signs of spring- or at least that’s what I tell myself!

I’m listening to The Mysterious Affair at Styles for a buddy read. The discussion isn’t until the end of the month, but the library wants it back sooner than that.

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Walking Wednesday December 4, 2024

Another week of walking mostly in the dark and cold. I had a goal of getting outside in daylight every day in November, but that goal didn’t go so well. I’m going to try again in December because it does really help to get a bit of the weak vitamin D this time of year.

I’m listening to an old favorite this week- Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery.

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On My Nightstand January 21, 2024

I don’t know if it’s the weather or what, but my cats have been absolutely bonkers this week. They’re climbing on everything, and no hair tie or stuffed animal is safe. I’m looking forward to a more normal week this week when hopefully everyone goes to work and school every day.

I dropped all of my normal reading plans this week because All The Sinners Bleed came in from the library and I was OBSESSED. I’ll admit I skipped my walks a couple of nights so I could read, and I haven’t kept up with my non-fiction reading at all. So worth it though.

Have a great week!

Quote of the Week:

We all choose to be skeptics when the truth is inconvenient.
— All The Sinners Bleed by S.A. Cosby

On My Nightstand This Week:

Kindle: Reading His Only Wife by Peace Adzo Medie for #FoodAndLit on Litsy. Never started this last week because of my above mentioned obsession. I’ll start today and hopefully finish before the library needs it back.

Audio: I started Main Street by Sinclair Lewis, but am not sure I’ll finish. Change my mind?

Paper Book: Time to get back to High by Erika Fatland! Still hoping to finish this month, but time is going fast.

Make it a good one everyone!

This post is linked to The Sunday Post on Caffeinated Reviewer.

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On My Nightstand January 14, 2024

This week has been wild weather wise. We lost power at one point. Luckily I had all my candles out from Christmas still. Now they’re calling for two snow storms next week. Plus lacrosse games start for my son and drama rehearsals for my daughter. I’d say a trip to the grocery store is in order today.

I started the year reading two big chunky books- The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese and High by Erika Fatland. They’re both worth the time, but it feels weird to not have read more books by now.

Have a great week!

Quote of the Week:

Roses would be annoying weeds if the blooms never withered and died. Beauty resides in the knowledge that it doesn’t last.
— The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese

On My Nightstand This Week:

Kindle: Reading His Only Wife by Peace Adzo Medie for #FoodAndLit on Litsy. I’ve had this on my TBR forever!

Audio: Next up is Mobility by Lydia Kiesling. I’ve heard mixed reviews, but the premise sounds so good.

Paper Book: Still working on High by Erika Fatland! I try to read for an hour each night before bed, but these days have been a little nuts and I confess to falling asleep at the table some night. Making progress though, and I am determined to finish this chunkster by the end of the month.

Make it a good one everyone!

This post is linked to The Sunday Post on Caffeinated Reviewer.

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