Walking Wednesday December 4, 2024

Another week of walking mostly in the dark and cold. I had a goal of getting outside in daylight every day in November, but that goal didn’t go so well. I’m going to try again in December because it does really help to get a bit of the weak vitamin D this time of year.

I’m listening to an old favorite this week- Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery.

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I am well in body although considerably rumpled up in spirit

Flowers from my walk

Flowers from my walk

What a week. I’m sure I’m not alone in saying my reading life has taken a turn while I have been busy building contingency plans for my contingency plans. As of now I am telecommuting full time for the next month while I am homeschooling my two kids. It’s a lot, but I know I’m really lucky to have a good telecommutable job.

The one reading goal I did get done last week is to start a buddy read for Anne of Green Gables. I only have time for about five pages a day, but any really enjoying those five pages. Anne Shirley is new to me, and I can say for sure that she is a kindred spirit!