On My Nightstand May 12, 2024

started station eleven last week along with my usual cookies and tea.

I had planned on sleeping as late as I wanted before an 11 am soccer game today, but a weird thunderstorm upset my cats. One got so scared she kicked a book onto my head and now I have bruise. I’m just glad it wasn’t bleeding because what if I had to go to the ER for stitches? A cat kicking a book onto my head is totally believable for anyone who knows me, but I would not want to tell that story to a doctor.

Anyway now I’m up catching up on my blogging and letter writing. The ever changing weather has now decided to be sunny, and I hope it lasts for soccer.

Have a great week!

Quote of the week

Chairs are bad for you anyway...
— Funny Story by Emily Henry

What I’m Reading This Week

On Kindle - The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin - I want to finish this series, but felt like I needed to go back and refresh my memory on the first book. (I bought this when it was on sale a few months back, but now I see it’s free on Kindle Unlimited.)

On Paper - The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel - I’m re-reading some of my favorite books by this author this month for the Author A Month challenge on Litsy. It’s been great sitting on my porch, listening to the foxes, and getting lost in this world (again.)

On Audio- Love is a Mix Tape by Rob Sheffield - Another re-read for me. I love the nostalgia.

This post is linked to The Sunday Post on Caffeinated Reviewer.

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