February 2017 Quick Lit
/The groundhog says six more weeks of winter hiking, reading under blankets, and wearing stretch pants and sweatshirts.
Each month I link with Modern Mrs. Darcy's Quick Lit as a way to talk about the books I liked, but didn't review.
Where They Stand by Robert W. Merry - This might be one of the best books I read all year. Merry had so much to say about what makes a good president, and what makes a truly awful president. No matter where you stand on the current president (and the one before him) I think you'll find something here. That said, it wasn't a quick read. I've been reading this one off and on since December 2nd.
The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan - This book was a typical love story between people, but it was also a love story to books. It wasn't deep classical literature, but it was a cozy weekend read. I loved the Scotland setting. My wanderlust monitor was pinging after this one.
Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George - I read this out loud with my son (8), and we both enjoyed it. The kids in the story were likable, and the castle gave it a bit of a Harry Potter feel.
I also read a few books that have been saving my life lately, and did a review of The Travelers.