Walking Wednesday March 19, 2025

March 19th already! How did that happen? I love this time of year when the sun comes out and billions of flowers just appear where there was just brown dirt the day before. I’m enjoying it before summer comes and it feels like walking through soup!

This week’s audiobook is Ten Birds That Changed The World by Stephen Moss. This is the book that finally got me to upgrade to Everand Premium so I hope it’s worth it!

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Walking Wednesday March 12, 2025

From ice to flowers. Welcome to March! Time is flying like usual but it’s lighter out at night when I go for my walks. Hooray!

I’m about to start Fire Weather by John Vaillant. A tough topic, but it’s important to know about. This is one of the 52 non-fiction books I want to read this year. I think it’s #4 from my list so I better get going!

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On My Nightstand March 23, 2024

a stack of books teetering on the edge of my nightsand

It’s a cold and rainy Saturday to start spring break. I have a lot to do, but this day just calls for reading under blankets so we’ll see. Maybe I’ll split the difference.

I have some time off this week so I’m hoping to get through a big stack of books! I’m finally seeing the end of Brothers Karamazov in the distance, and I want to make some progress on my challenges. March has not been an easy reading month for me. Hoping for better things in April.

Have a great week!

Quote of the week

Opportunity did not knock until I built the door.
— Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano

What I’m Reading This Week

On Kindle - Death in the Sunshine by Steph Broadribb - Sometimes you just need a cozy mystery to get past your concentration issues you know?

On Paper - The Physicist’s Daughter by Mary Anna Evans - For a book club. So far so good.

On Audio- The Stand by Stephen King - I’ve been wanting to re-read this for a while, and found out I had the audio version hiding on my phone.

This post is linked to The Sunday Post on Caffeinated Reviewer.

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