On My Nightstand August 24, 2024

lets go freshmen!

We’re fully back to school now and sports are on every day. That means a lot of outside time for me, but also creating a schedule and sticking to it. Due to all that I’m exhausted, but in a good way. I’ve been mostly working from home this summer so we’ll see what heading back to the office does to all of this careful planning come September.

Reading wise I had been in a bit of a slump at the beginning of the month, but I can feel myself coming back now. I finished 3 books this week, and I’m hoping to do the same next week. I think I just had to give up on some of the books I wasn’t enjoying.

Quote of the week:

Similarity of opinion is not always—I think not often—needed for fullness and perfection of love.
— Ruth by Elizabeth Gaskell

On My Nightstand This Week:

Kindle - Ruth by Elizabeth Gaskell - I’m reading this a chapter a day with a group on Litsy. It’s good so far! (And free on Kindle if you’re interested.)

Audiobook - Winds of the Steppe by Bernard Ollivier - This is the last of 3 books in Ollivier’s series about walking The Silk Road. They’re fascinating.

Print - An Unforgiving Place by Claire Kells - This is a fun series about law enforcement officers in the National Parks. This one takes place in Alaska.

It’s a standoff

This post is linked to The Sunday Post on Caffeinated Reviewer.

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