Food and Lit May: Spain

This month’s #FoodAndLit country on Litsy was Spain. I checked out a few cookbooks from the library, and had dreams of making fabulous tapas, but time and budget demanded I dial it back. I was so happy to find this gazpacho recipe on Gimme Some Oven. It used things I had on hand and was quick to throw together. Score!

I read two books set in Spain. The first, Walking With Sam by Andrew McCarthy, was excellent on audio. Plus the story of father and newly adult son walking across Spain came at the perfect time- my nephew graduated and my son turned sixteen last week. I told my brother about it and he downloaded it right away as well. Book therapy!

The second book I read was Sleeping Arrangements by Madeline Wickham. This really could have been set anywhere, but the easy read set in a Spanish Villa was great for evening porch reading during a busy week.

Next month we read and eat from Iceland!