On My Nightstand March 26, 2023
/Much to Daisy’s delight I started reading Down City at around 4 this afternoon, and couldn’t put it down until I finished. It’s been a long time since I’ve done that, and I think I can say my reading slump is officially over.
This week I’m going to try to finish up some reading goals I had set for March, and start packing for my vacation coming up in a few weeks. I also need to work on my garden if it ever stops raining.
Have a good week friends!
Quote of the Week
“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?”
On My Nightstand This Week
In The Quick by Kate Hope Day - I heard this described at The Martian meets Jane Eyre, which as luck would have it are two of my favorite books. How could I resist?
Death By Dumpling by Vivien Chien - I’m reading this as part of a diverse cozy buddy read. So far, so good!
Lark Ascending by Silas House -- I saw this on some list somewhere of best books of 2022, and my library hold came in Friday. I’ve only just started, and I’m looking forward to some dystopia. (Yes this is the third week I’ve has this on my list. This week I am determined because it really does sound good!)
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This post is linked to The Sunday Post on Caffeinated Reviewer.