Friday Top Five (Observed on Saturday)


I decided to start doing a weekly Friday Top Five to have a place to talk about all of the random bookish nonsense I get up to during the week.

Yes, today is Saturday, so sue me. #2020

1) It’s over


I got halfway through Kamala Harris’ book before it just got to be too much with the election and had to put it to the side. Happy to say I finished it this week!

2) Shelf Envy


I saw these shelves at a neighbor’s open house, and I’m scheming of ways to recreate them in my house- not that I should encourage myself to fill more shelves with books.

3) This Week’s TBR


A book club book, some non-fiction, some fluff, and a chapter a day of Jane Austen. Looks like a good week!

4) Taking Breaks


The struggle to remember to take breaks continues this fall, but I did it at least once this week. The November light has been perfect for mid-morning reading.

5) Cat Pics!


Stay safe my friends!

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Linked to The Sunday Post at the Caffeinated Reviewer and It’s Monday What Are You Reading