Spring Fever Reading


This winter has not been bad at all, but I have spring fever and it shows in my reading.

It started with the house plants. On a nice day I re-potted all of my plants, and realized I now have way too many. The library to the rescue! I checked out Decorating With Plants by Baylor Chapman. I loved this book, and it has helped me spread my plants out around the house in a way that doesn’t make me look like a crazy plant lady.


I’ve also been cleaning out my freezer and re-filling it with healthy meals and ingredients. The library to the rescue again- The Make Ahead Sauce Solution by Elisabeth Bailey has been super helpful. I like that I’m just freezing the sauce, not the entire meal. It’s a great space saver.

I’ve also been trying to streamline my schedule and be more productive. 5-Minute Stress Relief by Elena Welsh had a ton of great tips for quieting my mind, and productively dealing with my stress (instead of looking at Twitter and feeling like the world is going to end.)

Happy Spring everyone!


(Note: links to amazon.com are affiliate links. Thanks for your support! 5-Minute Stress Relief was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.)