How I Rate Books

I was looking for an image of five stars and this picture of cookies came up.

I was looking for an image of five stars and this picture of cookies came up.

I use to track what I’ve read, tags, and star ratings. Any book I read starts with three stars. Three stars to me is a good, average book. The good thing about LibraryThing is that you can give half star ratings. So from three stars I either go up or down a half star at a time. When I get to about two stars I usually won’t finish. Four stars is a really good book. Five stars is an amazing book that I will read again.

The Saga of my TBR


My main bookish goal from 2017 was to reduce the size of my TBR list from 363 to 300. It looked like I was going to do it too. I read a lot of books this year, and weeded out the books from my TBR that I figured were never going to get read. Then I really started using the Litsy app, and discovered a search function on my library's website that showed which books were getting a lot of holds. A few 2018 book challenges, and going through my bookshelves and finding a stack of books I own, but have never read...

Today I forced myself to do a year end accounting, and tallied up all of the books I had on my to read list on Litsy, and on my holds list at the library, and added them in to my LibraryThing TBR. 

I'm up to 427 books on my TBR.

So, I very enthusiastically failed my reading goal this year. The good news is I have 427 books to choose from in 2018. My goal remains the same as in 2017- get my TBR back under 300 books.